Buy Kevis Basic Starter Kit: 1 Kevis 8 Hair & Scalp Lotion trays (12 capsules), 1 Conditioner, 1 Shampoo Review Buy discount cheap deals best 2013 sale off California Texas New York Florida Illinois Washington Pennsylvania Ohio

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Buy Kevis Basic Starter Kit: 1 Kevis 8 Hair & Scalp Lotion trays (12 capsules), 1 Conditioner, 1 ShampooReview Buy discount cheap deals best 2013 sale off California Texas New York Florida Illinois Washington Pennsylvania Ohio

Listprice: $ 140.00
Price: $ 140.00
Saving: 0$

Product Details:
  • Kevis 8 Hair and Scalp Lotion has a 92% success rate of stopping the cause of hair loss and recovering 3-7 years of loss.
  • Kevis is an all-natural, water based solution that is applied to the scalp.
  • It takes about 2 minutes to apply, has NO SIDE EFFECTS and you won't have to use it for the rest of your life.
Product Description: Kevis 8 represents our eighth generation of improvement, it is our new, dramatically improved, version of the Kevis Hair and Scalp Lotion, packaged in an easy to use individual treatment vial. Kevis Hair and Scalp Lotion is a topical, water-based solution you massage directly to your scalp, concentrating on the areas of thinning, to bring about follicular rejuvenation. It contains the patented ingredient, HUCP. It also contains other proteins, carbohydrates and nutrients that help increase circulation to the scalp when massaged in. HUCP fights the hormone DHT (the main cause of hair loss) by sealing the follicular receptor sites in which the DHT molecule normally lodges; killing the hair follicle or causing it to lay dormant. The primary reason DHT must be eliminated from the follicle is to enable hair rejuvenation. HUCP accomplishes this action efficiently without drugs. Kevis Extra Strength Hair and Scalp Lotion actually works underneath the skin at the root of the hair follicle to promote revitalized and healthy growing hair. Each vial of Kevis 8 contains both the Kevis Extra Strength Hair and Scalp Lotion as well as the new Kevis Booster Tricozyme Enzyme Complex, pre measured for maximum concentration and effectiveness.

Buy Kevis Basic Starter Kit: 1 Kevis 8 Hair & Scalp Lotion trays (12 capsules), 1 Conditioner, 1 ShampooReview Buy discount cheap deals best 2013 sale off California Texas New York Florida Illinois Washington Pennsylvania Ohio